Saturday, December 09, 2017

Still too angry to write

I'm still so angry I can't pay attention to politics. I KNEW what was going to happen to Franken days before the first accusation. That accusation came from a woman who, we now know, is a good friend of the Trump family, and who seems to have had subterranean links to Roger Stone.

I knew from the start that the Believe Women movement (or the Me Too) movement was an utterly cynical, non-organic creation of the Alt Right. (So is the BernieBro movement.) These right-wing manipulators knew how easy it would be to "assassinate" Democrats if liberal Americans could be persuaded that anything said by any woman was considered unassailable. I can imagine how Stone must have cackled when he visualized a country in which all Dems (but not all Repblicans) are forced to live in a society in which accusation equals proof. Lots of room for mischief there.

I wish I could spit in the face of every well-intentioned liberal and feminist who did not foresee, as I foresaw, where this thing was going and who was really pulling the strings. At this point, I despise liberals almost as much as I despise conservatives. Liberals are idiots. They keep falling for the same trickery. This degree of gullibility transcends the concept of innocence, because an innocence founded on foolishness is indistinguishable from complicity.

We must work up the courage to say aloud the words which seem, at first, to be too outrageous to utter. Some conspiracies are real. The only conspiracy theories that ever have any basis in reality are the ones which posit that liberals are the victims and reactionaries are the victimizers. The first to engage in the actual practice of conspiracy are the right-wing conspiracy theorists, such as Roger Stone and his partner Alex Jones. Liberals never conspire. The right always conspires. The right must engage in conspiracy in order to stay alive. If the right did not conspire -- to fix elections, to gerrymander, to manipulate mass psychology -- Democrats would permanently control all three branches of government.

Right now, only a despised, easily-dismissed outsider like myself would dare to say such words. We will continue to be victims until my "outisider" viewpoint becomes mainstream within the Democratic party.

What happened to Franken has happened before...


Anonymous said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Bullshit. I've always DESPISED these idiots who offer what I used to call the SIBPATZ speech -- the Standard Issue Both Parties Are The Same speech. I've long believed that the SIBPATS-spewers were all Republican ratfuckers in disguise.

For example, there was the time not long after Pelosi became Speaker when she would not mount impeachment proceedings against Dubya. Suddenly, every liberal website was flooded with people spewing the SIBPATS speech. They actually came right out and said that Democrats should vote the straight GOP line, just to show Pelosi.

I think nowadays these ratfucking operations should be obvious.

Similarly, it is quite obvious that YOU are a ratfucker, Mr. Anonyumous. I think I'm going to delete your comment, which violates one of my clearly posted rules.

mdmdstork said...

Dems are chumps.

Dave Emory said...

Hi Joseph--

Congratulations for having the mettle to call this Fresh Fertilizer out.

I thought you might find a recent post of mine interesting:


Dave Emory

Joseph Cannon said...

Dave, we've had our problems in the past -- and you are dead wrong about Russia. (I found some interesting Alt Right comments about the Azov battalion a while back. Wish I could find that site; pretty illuminating, once you decipher the slightly-coded language.)

But BOY HOWDY are you right about this Me Too mess.

It was the perfect storm. I've (probably) lost a friend I've had since boyhood because I told him (a few days before Leann came forward) that this movement would soon be used to destroy Democrats. Naturally, he thought that I was defending Weinstein.

That's the kind of illogic which clouds the mind whenever society gets caught up in a hysteria.

I'm amazed you were able to write so well. I can't write with any style or even basic comprehensibility right now. I can barely type THIS. That's how pissed off I am.

Mr Mike said...

There are two points in recent history that gave us the Great White Dope. First is Bill Clinton not reopening Iran-Contra, second is that fool Pelosi not investigating Bush the Lesser lying us into Iraq.
Trump's approvals are hanging in the low 30s, his hard core base. 70% think him a loon and yet Democrats still won't win in 2018 or 2020 and not because anything Rodger Stone or the ghost of Lee Atwater did.
You have to want to be gulled by the huckster for the con to work. I asked Santa for a chainsaw so I can fell the tree these fools are hugging so it lands on them.
Democrats are only successful by accident.

Joseph Cannon said...

Oh, Roger Stone is a big part of why the Repubs will win in 2018 and 2020. Trump need only hang onto his base. Dirty tricks can make up the rest. The trickery starts now; the Republicans are targeting every Dem who poses a challenge to Bernie. They WANT to run against Bernie, because they have video of Bernie at an anti-America rally in Nicaragua. There may also be video of Bernie at a pro-Iran rally.

OTE admin said...

Hell, they don't need video of him in Nicaragua to destroy him. His pro-Castro video is enough to sink him in all fifty states and D.C. And don't forget about his writings about rape fantasies.

Tom said...

Pelosi has demonstrated that she's a chump with the talk about impeachment being impractical so don't bring it up. Heaven forbid the Dems show some character. Schumer's the accomplice, err, senator from Wall St. don't even get me started on friggin Feinstein. Clinton, Bill, wanted to privatize Social Security, Obama wouldn't investigate the Bush 2 admin.

We've seen decades of Roger Stone operations, no one learns a thing, except Stone, who gets smarter and more efficient. Probably a story there. I'm damn glad "Nadir" Nader seems to have gone senile and hope Bernie catches up with him quick. Talk about silence being golden.

So here we are in 2017 And the cops are thoroughly militarized and can shoot anyone they want. A huge portion of gun toting mouth breathers has been paramilitarized. Like the Fugitive Slave Law, they're trying to jam concealed carry down every throat in the country.

Oh, and the Dems can hardly say a thing while doing nothing at all. And they wonder why people are poorly motivated to vote.

OTE admin said...

Re that link upthread: Number 12 is total bullshit about Gloria Steinem. Shame on you for peddling that falsehood.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave Emory, if you are reading this, I stopped reading your site because you go on and on about a dead Nazi and this dead Nazi's network but you can't even see a massive Russian conspiracy right in front of your nose? Don't tell me there is no evidence, the Russians have basically admitted it before lying about it and admitting it again... So spare me the no evidence bullshit. What the fuck is wrong with you dude? You can see a massive on going conspiracy with a dead Nazi but you can't see an ongoing current conspiracy involving a Russian dictator who has been running Russia for most of my entire life? WTF? Spitfire repeats the same old stories with the same old pictures day in and day out but you totally bypass the Russia story?!? It's like you are programming rather than informing these days. I used to listen to your audio recordings all the time and then the Russia thing happened and you kind of lost credibility with me. And if you don't believe in the Russia thing what the heck are you doing reading Cannonfire?

Anonymous said...

Another suggestion for Emory, Enough with the bullshit about the failures of the "progressive sector".... start talking about how Russia has infiltrated the "progressive sector" and the USA to destabilize it. Jesus Christ so much ratfucking and BULLSHIT going on with the left eating itself and dividing itself.

I wonder what it would look like if the Left actually UNITED and went after Republicans AND the Russians paying them all. I guess we will never know.


All of the governments of the world, reporters, spy agencies,etc., are all lying about Trump's Russia ties? Give me a fucking break you joker.

Mr Mike said...

The news media gets it, unfortunately not our news media. said...

I doubt 'the Bernie bros' are a creation of the alt-right. First, they are real people on the left wing. They are easy to find, you can check out their background with an internet search. Secondly the 'Bernie bros' didn't choose that appellation. It was given to mock them.

The simple fact is that a lot of these 'Bernie bros' included women that have huge student debt that will likely never be paid back, and Bernie was promising to do something about it. To say that they are an astroturfing operation is an extraordinary claim when you consider the turnouts at Bernie rallies compared to the Clinton rallies.

Lastly, the alt-right is "woke but broke", as they say. The alt-right has very limited money and resources, its a grassroots movement, whatever else you think about it, without any money from wealthy sources. said...

The only way to deal with accusations like this is to take an absolutist stance of 'innocent until proven guilty', and also to reject any pressure to resign and condemn people that demand that the accused resign.

There were 19 women that accused Trump of nebulous "sexual misconduct" before the election and there were far too many people, both in the Democratic party and the GOP, accepting the allegations are true (most likely false, and not even a whiff of proof anyway). Trump has also been accused of "sexual assault", which is a legal term and for which no one claiming to be a victim has come forward, based on his comments about grabbing women by the you know what.

Look - I can see why you want to assign blame to the alt-right or GOP operative shenanigans, but you can look into the democratic party itself if you want to assign blame. When you have white male democrats being told on campus that they are not allowed to speak because they are white males, or if they are allowed to speak, must speak last (the progressive stack), this isn't a GOP plot. This is the democratic party in action.

Anonymous said...

I hope people in their anger never loose sight of how we get here. The sabotage of the election should never be forgotten or forgiven. Because if we do they won. And that's was all to them, it's a game to them.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you and Dave Emory are still amicable. I am among those who are perplexed that he is unable to process the concept of pro-Russian Nazis. Certainly it seems paradoxical on the surface, but I would think that somebody who's spent hours interviewing Kevin Coogan on the subject of Francis Yockey would realize that things aren't always what they seem on the surface. Ah well...


Tom said...

Uhh Matt. Footnots, links, other sources. Would be a good idea.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing about Dave Emory... He has been researching for years and years and the only thing he offers up is a secret Nazi network which is doing all this bad shit but which he can never really dig up what's ultimately behind it.. . There are fight right networks in every western country... But the far right network that launched cyber attacks on the USA and which is easily manipulating the moron in the White House and shovelling money and influence to everyone around him IS RUSSIA AND PUTIN AND HIS OLIGARCHS and everyone seems to be able to connect the dots on this one except Fox News, Dave Emory, Glen Greenwald, Matt Taibi.. And a few others on the left. We know why Matt Taibi wont say Bad of Russia... He lived there. British, Dutch, German, American researchers and media all point out the connections and influence peddling between Putin's government and far right leaders in USA and Britain and Euro, money pouring into these far right groups from Russia .... and Emory kind of dismisses all of that.

Tom said...

Anon 4:51, very well said.

But though all the details of Taibbi's years in Russia will probably not be known, we do know by his admission that they involved a lot of drinking and drugs; the years of poor judgment. So now his reporting is great as long as Russian is not involved.

These folks who think that investigative evidence is going to be simply dumped out like Wikileaks do expose themselves to be stooges. The evidence becoming public happens only later. Flynn and Gates only just found out that there are 400,000 documents in the case against them. Chumps.

The problem with Emory is the low information/word ratio.